Having erection problems at age 50 is a rather common sexual problem among men and to which there is a solution. Erection difficulties at the age of 50 can mostly be classified as secondary or situational. There are 3 different kinds of erectile dysfunction, i.e. difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection of the penis during sexual intercourse:

  • Primary sexual impotence: when the man has never been able to obtain erections during all sexual activities since adolescence.
  • Secondary erectile dysfunction: when after years of regular sexual activity with satisfactory erections one suddenly begins to experience erection difficulties.
  • Situational erection problems: when 50-year-old erection problems occur only in certain situations and circumstances but not in others (for example, only with a new partner but not with the previous one, or only with the lover but not with the partner regular).

Having made these necessary premises, we will now analyze what are the main physical and psychological causes of this widespread problem among men, which often also affects extremely young subjects.

After that we will go on to examine the main remedies and the best known treatments, trying to understand what is actually true and effective.

Physical Causes of Erection

At the age of 50, erection problems can, in part, be caused by organic disorders such as:

  • inflammation of the prostate (bacteriological prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia )
  • circulatory problems
  • heart and/or respiratory failure (frequent in smokers)
  • low testosterone levels

Normally these causes are traced back to a bad diet, alcohol abuse, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, and above all the lack of constant physical exercise.

During the phase of mental arousal the blood is unable to flow easily into the corpora cavernosa of the penis due to one of the organic problems just seen, and the consequence is that the penis is unable to go erect or the erection is lost during intercourse with the partner. But the reasons for erection problems at 50 are not always organic. Precisely for this reason drugs and pills do not always turn out to be the ideal solution for the reasons that you will soon discover.

Psychological Causes of Erection

The difficulty in obtaining an erection of the penis, during sexual intercourse, is not always a sign of problems of an organic type such as those we have just seen.

In fact, very often you can experience erection problems at 50 due to psychological and emotional factors. The most frequent mental causes and psychological blocks that prevent a regular erection are:

  • sexual performance anxiety and insecurity (fear of disappointing your partner sexually)
  • conflicts in the couple relationship
  • excessive concern about the ability to achieve a good erection during intercourse

Anxiety and insecurity during intercourse lead to a narrowing of the blood vessels and prevent a strong and addictive sexual arousal in men (sexual arousal is a psychological factor). The lack of mental arousal, in turn, then prevents blood from being “pushed” into the cavernous bodies of the penis.

From here it is easy to understand why even those who do not present any organic type disorder in the genital area can have erection difficulties only during sexual intercourse as a couple, or only in that situation in which one feels anxious and insecure (it is of the so-called situational erectile dysfunction).

Erection dysfunction treatment

Erectile dysfunction drugs fall into the category of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors. Contrary to urban legends and what many men believe, these drugs DO NOT cause an automatic penile erection. A perfect example of these drugs is Kamagra, male erection pill manufactured by Ajanta pharm, well know for its low cost, no side effect and high effectiveness.

Erection pills have prove useful in most cases of ED, often in very old age. Kamagra promotes the blood flow to the penis partially blocked by an enzyme (PDE5 phosphodiesterase). But even in this case the erection is obtained during the couple’s relationships only if the man feels self-confident, without being worried about being able to obtain an erection and without having performance anxiety towards his partner.

Since Kamagra is generic Viagra it can be easily obtained from reliable internet pharmacy. You can buy Kamagra only for 15Eur for a pack of four pills.

Advice for preventing erectile dysfunction

Below are some short and simple tips to keep fit at 50, thus limiting the possibility of having erection problems caused by a wrong lifestyle.

  • Eat properly, avoiding excess sugar and industrial processed products.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day.
  • Drink at least one and a half liters of water a day.
  • Avoid cigarettes or at least keep them to a minimum.
  • Avoid alcohol especially before a sex date.
  • Avoid heavy eating before sexual intercourse.
  • Do physical activity regularly, preferably anaerobic such as exercises with weights.

These tips are very useful for improving general blood circulation, for strengthening the cardio-respiratory system and for increasing the production of testosterone.

In some extreme cases it may be useful to consult a psycho-sex therapist for help, or a couple therapist in the case of conflicts with your partner, but in the majority of cases you can help yourself using a complete method of mental techniques and physical to improve erection capacity and thus avoid having erection problems.